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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mama Bears out of hibernation

    I think everyone knows this about me, but in case you haven't had the privilege of seeing mama in action, let me share.

    Many times I would find out about what I thought were injustices to my children from other-parents or their friends. Mostly, because I'm a teacher and they knew I would back the teacher (truly this rarely happened, the kids getting into trouble, not the backing the teacher part. That happened about 97% of the time. Oh, but that other 3%, well that was different).
The second reason was because the kids wanted to avoid the appearance of "MAMA BEAR".

    I remember one time in particular, it was actually the first time Morgan referred to me as"MAMA BEAR" (to my face that is. Apparently, this was a title I had held for a very long time without my knowledge).

Back to my point.

    I had been told about something a "cheer" coach had done or said.
Those of youwho know me well and my work family are probably laughing right now, especially considering recent events.
Anyway, I was, as normally expected, furious.
You know the kind of mad where you can feel your blood start to boil and in the back of your mind you know no good could come of this, but you still allow the temperature to rise.
Yep, that kinda mad.

    I remember asking Morgan why in (god forgive me) god's name hadn't she told me. And that's when she said, "because I didn't want you to go, and I quote, "all MAMA Bear on them."

    Now you have to picture this, I'm in the kitchen yelling with arms flailing, "What (bad word insert) does that mean. She had no right, blah, blah, blah ..... (I don't thinkthe rest is relevant. I think you get the point)."

"That,"she said. "Look at you."

Pause here forself reflection... (I’ll wait)

(Music playining the back ground)

    Now I bet you were just recalling recent or maybe not so recent event(s), when you may have been, somewhat in the same situation.

    I know I’ll get to the point. Just hold on a little longer.

Side note: My children had the best principals at their high school. Especially Mr. W.  He has a gift when it comes to dealing with a "MAMA BEAR". He could have been a preacher. But, I guess that's why he is a high school principal.

    Now I have to stop to reflect, because I have actually forgotten my original point. (Leave me alone. I have to think for 156 children on a daily basis. There's only so much room up there.)

    I remember.  I've always been the kind of person that can some what keep my cool almost every time a high stressful situation arises. (I'm sure my husband would disagree,but that's marriage. Who can you love more and be more furious with at the same exact time.... You’re Spouse). As far as personal attacks to my character, or lies as my students say, told on me, I'm fine. I don't hold grudges, there's no point. I don't seek revenge, again pointless. I don't even try to prove my innocence. I know God knows the truth and that sees me through. I will never gossip, repeat rumors or even things I know to be true, because it's not my business.I'm far from perfect. I just don't see the point in wasting time on those things. All that negative just destroys you, mentally, physically, and spiritually.


    But do something, or say anything about MY KIDS, LOOK OUT! MAMA BEAR IS COMING OUT OF HIBERNATION.

   I thought once the kids were out of school and on their own "MAMA BEAR" could retire. Nope.

   Recent events,which really aren't important or as big of a deal as "MAMA BEAR"makes of them, brought her out of the cave.

    To add information, I've been seeking God to help my children deal with anger and their quick tempers. It's not their fault; they get it from both sides of my family. (No offense to the family, I'm not talking about anyone in particular.Each of us has at least once "gone off" so to speak). So, I was given the opportunity to show exemplar behavior and it was an epic FAIL.

   So Morgan,Katlyn, and Sean, "MAMA BEAR" is going back into the cave. Sorry for overreacting and not having faith that God is truly in control. (It's apparentthat I'm not). This is one of those times you’re gonna have to do as I say and not as I do. I officially Repent.

   HOWEVER, Cant promise "MAMA BEAR" won't come out again, especially with a grand baby on the way. But, I will continue to pray for more self-control and faith.

"MAMA-BEAR" is back in hibernation.

 For now!

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