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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Walton's, do they really exist?

Since the moment my children were born I have drilled into their little minds family first because in the end all you  have is each other. Stick by and always be there for each other. Family is family.
But what I have come to realize is that "family" comes in many forms.
Flesh and blood doesn't a "family" make. It's the people that are there when it counts, and even when it doesn't. Not just in your time of need, but to share in the good as well as the bad. The people that offer a helping hand, or also come to you for help in their hour of need.

"Family" are the people you haven't seen or talked to in years. But when you run into them at the grocery store, or at your kids high school ball game, you can just pick up from where you left off.

"Family" are the same people you can call all hours of the night, or time of day. The people who make you feel better when a "biological" just can't, doesn’t, or won’t.

I remember as a child watching Walton's Mountain over, and over again, just painfully wanting to have that family, I wanted the whole package with the grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters. Having that sense of knowing someone has your back No matter what.

(Still to this day my heart aches for that sense of family.)

As I was reading scripture today I was given, I guess what you would call a revelation.  A Family is not just about genetics, there are so many other factors involved.

My husband and I have what is often referred to as a blended family. You know, his, mine, and although we wanted at least one together we couldn't have any of our own. (Back then we accepted god’s choice and were thankful for the children we did have. After surviving pre- teen and teen years, we are constantly praising God for knowing what was best for our family.)

Because of our blended family, my children have learned that it is not DNA that makes a parent or a grandparent. They have been blessed to have amazing people to step in and take over those missing roles in their lives.

I had such a vast family around me, I was just so blind before, but God has opened my eyes.

My Walton’s:

My Sisters and brothers:

The friend who when I was expecting my first child stepped up and took me to birthing classes, gave me a baby shower, and became my labor coach. She did all this and so much more for me, While others thought I should hold my head down in shame, or didn’t want to be seen with me in public.

Coworkers- I've always called them my work family, but they are family. Like true brothers and sisters, we've fought, cried, laughed, celebrated, prayed, and even mourned together.

My old high school friend, Jon, was a brother to me.  He was always there "in a pinch" to pull me out of trouble when I was about to do something stupid. He was always watching over us and protecting us.  Now he does from heaven.


I had an amazing aunt and uncle to step in and take on many rolls. That same uncle also stepped in as a father figure during the times when one was lacking,

We had an amazing man come into our lives that did so much for my children and took care of them in ways I could never even begin to explain.

Now Jon, my aunt Ruth, my uncle T, and Nick, are watching us from heaven until the day we are all together again.

I'm not saying that my blood relatives haven’t been family”. What I guess I'm trying to say is; where there have been times of unfulfilled roles, others have stepped in and filled them. I pray I have or will do the same for them.

I have-

My Walton's!!!!!

Matthew 12:46-50

While he was still speaking to the people, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside, asking to speak to him. But he replied to the man who told him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

Luke 11:5-13



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