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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Testing, testing, 1-2-3. Can you Hear me?

Ever decide to do a "project" as a couple?
Patience avoids a problem; kindness creates a blessing. Kindness is love in action. 
  *Taken from The Love Dare Reminders 

Part of one of The Love Dare 30 (you can download these apps - I highly suggest you do), is to complete a family project. You are to see the project through completion and "Encourage" each other along the way. (I’m sure many of you are laughing or scoffing at this idea right now).

If you’re looking to test the strength of your marriage or relationship with a potential mate, or maybe you’re just bored, give it a try.
Remember when you were in the nesting phase of your pregnancy? You know, when you became overly obsessed with cleaning everything in sight. For example, when I was expecting my youngest, who is 18 turning 19 soon, I was so OCD about cleaning that I bleached everything. I mean everything, including the fish tank. Try explaining to your three year old son that mommy didn't mean to clean the fish too much. Revelation: could be why he doesn't like cleaning. Will have to look into that one. Make more sense now. Hmmm?
Anyway, it's like that for me now even though I'm in the "Empty Nest" phase of my life. You see, I'm a purger- the total opposite of a hoarder. I have cleaned out every drawer, cabinet, closet, and room in the house. That is except for our bedroom, bathroom, and closet. That is until two days ago. (Insert scary sound effects here).
That was, is our big project. We managed. By the grace Of God, We work well together, usually, only at different paces. I like to get the job done. Up before dawn and you don't sleep until the work's done. Craig is more of a- lets read the entire manual and directions first, kind of person. No joke. He is the first person I've met that would read the entire set of directions, and make sure all the pieces were counted for, before putting any item together. Not that there's anything wrong with that way of doing things. In fact, I'm always telling my students to RAD (Read all Directions) and FAD (follow all Directions). You'll learn that teachers make the worst students.
When I was growing up, my family members would dump everything in a pile and put pieces where they looked like they might fit. Always ended up with extra pieces somehow. And of course, as you know, a good ole roll of Duct Tape will fix anything, that and a can of WD 40.
Sorry, to interrupt my story, but I just busted Coco peeing on the floor. We've been blaming poor CJ all this time, not that he is completely innocent. Seems like Coco's been the secret pee monster all this time.
Oh, those are our dogs, not our kids. Remember they have flown the nest.
Back to our project. We actually accomplished a good majority of work. I finished, uh well he started the closet on Monday? I restarted and finished on Thursday. Anyway, he started the closet, I finished the closet we did our parts. It looks amazing, for the first time you can actually walk in our walk-in closet. Our bedroom is getting there. At no point in time were the police ever called (just a joke, never have). It all fell into place.
We're trying.



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