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Thursday, February 14, 2013

The farmer takes a wife , the farmer takes a wife......

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. - Ephesians 4:32

Remember that game when we were kids? I think the mouse took the cheese, the cat took the mouse, and so on. Everyone would stand in a circle waiting to get picked. I was never picked. Every time we would play at summer vacation bible school, I would secretly get excited thinking maybe I would get picked and I would be the wife.

The wife was the best part of the game. The final pick. The most coveted, honored pick.
Never was picked in the game, and for a very long time didn't think I would get picked in life.
I remember the night so well. I not talking about the night my husband proposed. (Save that for another day, 13 years and he still owes me a redo, anyway). The night I had finally given up all hope of getting a husband. After another failed engagement ( I'll spare you the details on that one) I had enough. I was raising two children by myself and was just tired.
I said to God (actually I think it wash more like yelling). "Fine, you want me to be a single parent the rest of my life, then you have to do something. Step up its your turn. Take this desire for a husband off my heart and you had better start making things happen. Because I can't do this by myself. "
A week later, my friend and my mother, forced me to go to centerville, Mississippi to a pig roast competition. No offense to Mississippi or centerville, but what on earth would I ever want from there? I remember my pastor, who was from Mississippi by the way, saying nothing good can come out of Mississippi. Again no offense to Mississippi or centerville.
Needless to say I didn't go through too much effort to make myself look appealing. It was a pig roasting contest and street dance. By the way if you ever get the opportunity to go to one of those, go. The BBQ is amazing.
Anyway, while we were there this guy kept staring at me the entire time. First I thought I had barbecue sauce smeared on my face. You should have seen how I attacked those ribs and brisket.
Now for those of you who, like me, didn't always lead a "Christian" lifestyle, you'll totally get this next part. Mom, close your eyes. Kids, your old enough learn something. (My kids).
Then I starting thinking dear God, do I know him and I just don't remember? For the former heathens, like me, I really started freaking out thinking, was he a one night stand from long ago? You know like the past coming back to haunt me?
Oh please. Don't act shocked. I was a single mom, two kids never been married. Lets just say my car had been driven around the block a few times. (Not a proud part of my life, but a big reality of it).
Back to my story. In case you hadn't notice, but us coon@&& people love to make a short story long, and a long story longer.
By this time he, this guy that was staring at me all night, was about three feet away talking to two other guys and pointing at me.
Now I'm thinking this was God getting back at me for yelling at him and demanding he do start doing something in my life.
I was silently praying please god, I'm sorry I don't care, I can be good, I promise.
Not long after that, the staring guy, was coming off the stage after playing with the band (drummer). It was just like in the movies, no joke, the crowd split apart so that there was a clear path of about twenty feet from the stage to me. He shook hands with the lead singer (Y Z) and turned to look, and this part is totally true, straight Into my eyes. That's when I gave him this look that said, either you come straight here and introduce yourself or stop staring. He walked straight to me, (I swear it was like we were the only two people there) stuck out his hand and said hi I'm Craig Cameron.
There's more to the story, but later that night I remember hearing a voice inside my head saying "don't let this one go".
Let's just say he stayed and never left.
This time I did get picked as the wife.
Best part, he was not from Mississippi, but from Louisiana.
Again no offense to Mississippi or centerville.
Happy Valentines day!

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