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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I did it!

Love is Patient
Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. - James 1:19

I did it this time. My husband was far from, very far from happy with my post last night. He said, well not in these exact words but I'm taking the right to para phrase, it was offensive and made it look like we wanted to leave each other.
So for those of you that we're offended-- you just read my blog wrong. ( Bet you thought I was going to apologize or take back my words. Huh?)

Listen closely because I'm gonna tell you the ugly truth----- Married people Fight! You can try to be polite and say we just had a little disagreement. Please. We fight, we say that we say things we don't mean, but those words are buried in truth somewhere. Guess what? What? We
Make up also. We don't leave or get a divorce because " we've grown apart". Or my favorite one "we're not the same people as when we first got married." Duh! You've spent the last ten, twenty, or more years raising kids and raising yourselves. You've gain wisdom and knowledge about life you didn't have when you were first married. And living with someone is a big, I mean big adjustment.
So to make a long explanation short, You Are Not The Same.
That doesn't give reason to leave! No that's just an excuse.
I made a covenant with God and my husband. I have to answer to God. I already have way too much to answer for divorce is not going to be one.
I'm not saying people that divorced people are quitters or bad people. My husband's first marriage didn't work out. I'm not going to go over the reasons why because I wasn't there and it wasn't my marriage to judge. Besides I'm glad he did because I GOT him now! And I wouldn't have anything to write about- I guess I would but I don't think it would be as much fun.
There I go chasing rabbits again. As my Aunt would say " now I done told you" to tell me to stop when I do dat. ( auto correct is freaking out on my coon@$$ words, love it)
Where was I?...... Oh yes, when I woke up this morning ( caught that did ya? I did sleep last night. I have to give God and Benadryl the credit for that one).
I read my Love Dare reminder (you'll see it at the beginning of this post). My devotional and my love dare for the day. Oops almost typed his name, my husband and I decided not to do that one yet. You see we can't get past number five. It took us a week to get past four.
If you are married or in a serious relationship heading toward marriage I highly suggest you get these books. It's HARD but it will really start to strengthen your relationship, and it's is based on the word of God. Which is where any marriage should be based.
Also, listened to my Good Morning song by Mandesa. I don't care what time of the day it is, but I dare you not to be in a better mood after that song. And my new fav The Harvester by Brandon Heath. This song reminds us why we're here and that we are far from done. Shout out to KLove For their free song downloads.
I guess that's part of the reason I'm doing this blog. Mostly for myself, and my children- because I can't tell them how to manage their relationships maybe they'd ( yes they'd is a word I don't care if it is or isn't in the dictionary. It's a word down here) read this later and listen. But the other main reason is for anyone (I think my husband is the only one) who might end up reading this someday.
I can wrap this whole post in one sentence. Here I go (my ELA friends at work close your eyes) life is hard, marriage is hard, big one ------------life isn't fair!!!!! (I would love to know who started that ugly rumor about life being fair) but if you seek God in all you do every stumbling block you have to plow through is worth it.
One day I'll tell you about the many, many times when God was all I had.
Seek God first, be slow to respond, It's OK to observe the pause and say nothing at all.
Most importantly - you were made for a reason. He knew you before you were born.

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