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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I'm Done!

I think I've said that phrase about a hundred times this year. I truly believe the only reason my husband and I aren't doing so great financially, is because Our marriage is so,
so, ugh! God knows that if we actually did have any money, we wouldn't just threaten to leave, we'd leave. (For my non- south Louisianians we'd is a word not the stuff you smoke. .I've told my husband many times if we ever get our relationship solid again, we would miraculously get out of dept.
Tell me this-
How can someone you vow until death to love make you so incredibly mad. I teach 6th grade, over 155 sixth graders. Them, I can handle. But the boy in my husband, and I don't mean that literally, drives me insane.
I know, I know, I'm far from perfect that's why I take medication. And I am not crazy "the doctor said so".
It took me a while, but many of the things I blamed the children for, I think it was him the whole time. I probably should apologize to them but, well that's not gonna happen so let's continue.
I'm not bashing my husband, just venting. Sharing my stress in a much more productive way then, um getting my bat.
Oh my goodness, did she just say she wanted to take a bat to her husband. Please, as if that thought never crossed your mind. As long as the thought doesn't stay there too long, your good.
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling much more calm. Think I can sleep now.
Oh, you want to know why I am, was, am mad- if I talk about that now I will get all upset again and I would really love to get some sleep.
"After all, tomorrow is another day." The Scarlet O'Hara philosophy of life.
Gonna start the day right, read my devotional, listen to Klove, and organize my day. And dear hubby should you read this, you might want to think about doing the same.

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