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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our Journey

I started this blog to share some of the awesome teacher sites I've come across over the past year. Somewhere between 10 pm and 12 am this blog changed into a documentation of the journey my husband and I are starting. Probably because he was nagging at me to get off the computer and go to bed. (It was what, 12:30 or later when I posted my first blog). Of course I had to reply with
"I was posting something loving about you but now you can't look!" I also told him I was removing him as a follower. Considering he's the only one I have, I really don't want to do that. When I finally did put away the computer I was mad because he hadn't read my 1st blog. (Poor man can't win).

Here's the deal I am a dyslexic, ADD, menopausal, 6th grade science teacher and cheer coach. So for any ELA teachers, or super (did I spell that correctly?) sensitive grammatical error checking people, here is my one and only apology. I can promise run on sentences and lots of left out commas. However, (see me use that big sentence started) I will do my best. But when I get going, especially when mad, God only knows what is going to happen to my punctuation.

Was that too much for a second blog post? I start "chasing rabbits". ( I get off track. For my non- coon@* friends.)

Back to my husband, I don't know if my post did it or that little pill I took, but his snoring did not wake me at all. Not one time. No, it was the constant getting in and out of bed he and the two dogs felt necessary that kept waking me. It stopped after I announced " you get out this bed one more time, don't you dare bother coming back". Must have done the trick.
.** Here's my prince. (We call this pay back in the south)

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