While recovering our office chair I made the wicker section a lot weaker.
So, after a trip to the Goodwill store, my "dented" chair turned into this:
How did I do it? Easy.
I bought a set of very nice pillow cases for like 2 dollars.
Went to a local store and bought the square foam pieces. (They're in the fabric section, you can buy it by the roll also. I can't use pollyfill because my daughter's dog would destroy it. Foam she doesn't mind. The dog not my daughter.)
I trimmed the corners of the foam to round it, and slipped it into the pillow case.
It looked horrible.
I went into my craft room grabbed a large needle, cross stitching thread, and ribbon. Then went to work.
First I turned the cushion/pillow case over and tacked down the corners with just two or three stitches.
When I flipped the cushio over again it still just didn't look nice enough.
I cut the white ribbon that had been left over from another project into 4 pieces. (about 2 feet or 60 cm)
I put a couple of stitches to attach the ribbon to all four corners.
Before I tied the ribbon to the legs of the chair I had to gather the remainder of the pillow case. It was hanging down in the front and looked fine, but I have a dog that loves to mark all "his" territory. I couldn't have CJ ruin my brilliant creation. To gather the two sides I turned the pillow case inside out, did a ---------- stitch, pulled the cross stitch thread and there you go. Tied the ribbon to each leg. Chair redo!

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