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     A little girls letter  watch the video attached to this link.   Addiction and alcoholism will come intto a family to create to...

Monday, May 27, 2013

I think I can, I think I can, I know I can!

School's out.  So now the projects begin.  First up are the floors in my living room and hall.  We already pulled up those nasty fake wood floors.  Loved them at my last house and their great to have if you have kids.  Not great when you have a dog that "marks his territory" everywhere.  (For the record I wanted to get him fixed but my husband rambled something about guy code and he could do that to him?   CJ is a tiny dog that stays inside or in a fenced yard.  He's not producing any more CJ's.  he's never out of our sight.  Don't judge.)
So we get this.

And this ...

And let's us not forget this ...

The adorable "territory marker".
We can not leave out-

Lil' Miss COCO Channel AKA
COCO pup.  She creates master pieces like this ....,


Anyway,  my husband started with the wood filler and sanding.
Started with a stain on our plywood.

Love the color but didn't think practical for such a high traffic area.  So we went to paint.
(Saving the stain for the bedrooms).
End day one with my help.

Painted half the room and decided to put all furniture in kitchen.

Don't judge.  I'm a teacher with severe OCD.  I'm freaking out. 
While I'm painting the other half of the room Craig is laying down one of several layers of poly..., poly..., oh this stuff.

The smell is horrible. If you paint inside or use this stuff ( of any brand). Make sure windows are up and run fans to make the room is well ventilated.
End day 2:

Today I will attempt to paint a faux (fake rug) on the unpolyurethane side of the room.
Disclaimer:  We are not professional painters.  Just a couple that loves seeing if our marriage can survive outrageous projects.
Here I go:
Just a little advice-  a few of the many things my Uncle T taught me about working with wood- never, ever go against the grain of the wood.  Sand and stain with the grain.  And NEVER, I really mean NEVER,  snap a red chalk line.  It's like you know what to get off you.  
My husband, God bless him, learned that lesson last night.  
So today I'm using chalk, painters tape, and eyeballing it!
(Husband is sleeping.  He'd flip)



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