Hallelujah! Praise Jesus! Elbow only bruised. Today there was no sign of any fractures or misshaped ulna bone. What was present in x-rays yesterday is gone today. That can only be done by God himself. Thank you. The power of prayer.
I started this blog in 2012, as my youngest child was leaving for college. Finally, we would be "empty nesters". Oh how we dreamed about this time we would have alone. We were going to share our amazing journey with the world through this blog. I was about to embark on a journey alright, but it did not turn out to be the amazing love story I expected it would be. This is my journey. The end.... the middle.... The beginning........
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The great destroyer
A little girls letter watch the video attached to this link. Addiction and alcoholism will come intto a family to create to...

Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Prayer Request
Please pray for my daughter Morgan. She fell today on the same elbow she had dislocated two years ago. She has a fracture in the right humorous bone. The doctor Doesn't like how her elbow is sticking out said it needs to be corrected now. ( her ulna bone is shaped wrong?) This means surgery. We chose to go the less evasive route last time when the doctor recommended surgery. She has an appointment with her other doctor tomorrow.
Her left elbow is severely swollen and in pain. She was attacked by a swarm of wasp. (Not sure which came first, the fall or the swarm).
We want a COMPLETE healing for Morgan. This means no surgery, cast, splint, or even sports tape. A miracle that doctors and x-rays can't explain.
Thanks for your prayers.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Walton's, do they really exist?
Since the moment my
children were born I have drilled into their little minds “family”
because in the end all you have is
each other. Stick by and always be there for each other. Family is “family”.
But what I have come
to realize is that "family" comes in many forms.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Never throw anything out!

Warning: never leave candles unattended. I would recommend using this idea outside or away from curtains, and anything flammable.
Monday, June 10, 2013
The Science Penguin: Advice for New Science Teachers {10 Tips}
The Science Penguin: Advice for New Science Teachers {10 Tips}: I just wrote some first day organization tips for new teachers over at Texas Teacher Round-up , so I thought I would come back over here and...
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