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The great destroyer

     A little girls letter  watch the video attached to this link.   Addiction and alcoholism will come intto a family to create to...

Thursday, November 28, 2013

I'm just MAD!

Ever have one of those days where you are just not in the mood?  For anything?  Tired of the same thing day, after day, after day, after-I think you know what I'm talking about.  And it's not because of harmones or mood swings, or any other "female" condition some "man"  made up because he doesn't want to say "I don't know honey, sometimes I just do stupid things". 
I've been going through stages in my life the past few months.  Many highs and a whole lot more lows.  I've been through the disbelief stage, the what did I do stage, the I'm gonna show everyone I'm stronger than I look stage, also the non-stop crying every morning and every night stage. 
Now I'm in the I don't give a rat's _ _ _, I'm pissed off stage!
I try to put things in perspective.  My children are safe and healthy.  My grandson has a fantastic mom and dad that loves and cares for him.  I am also aware that there are people and children suffering somewhere, alone.  And I do care and pray for them.
But enough is enough already.  Why do I have to do this or do that to fix what I didn't break.  No!  I'm just MAD!   MAD!  MAD!  MAD!

The best part it's ok.  The bible says we all get sad, hurt, angry, and down right MAD.  We all have these emotions, that's what makes us human.  It's wether or not we let the anger control us or we control it.  Your reactions are what you are responsible for not being MAD. 
Even if you think I don't have a right to be, think of one of my favorite quotes from the show (80's) Designing Women, "You know why my problems are more important than yours?  Because they're mine!"     

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The road less traveled....

I love that poem ... And I took the road less traveled.   But today, it just doesn't hold the same meaning as if did before.  You can never truly know what lies on the  road ahead of you, yet you choose the path and it's direction everyday.  When you wake up and decide your going to reach out to a friend or family member you haven't seen in a while, just because.  Or when you wake and decide hey it's Saturday, I just gonna get back in bed and watch old movies all day.
The decisions we make everyday no matter how big or how small determine length and width of our path.  What we can't control, or choose, are the directional decisions of others.  And when their path crosses, invades or cuts off our path, we are left feeling either confused, blessed, wounded, relieved, loved, or unwanted.  
   Then there are the "bumps" in the road.   What does that mean anyway?  Do "bumps" in the road, or on our path necessary indicate a bad thing?
     I wonder what road lies ahead of me today?  I've learned very recently that what path we think we're on, isn't always the path we are on.  And it's definitely not the path we should be on.   
  Walk your path today knowing that god has made way for you.  He's filled in the potholes, removed all the rocks, sticks, fallen down trees, and smoothed out all those "bumps".