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The great destroyer

     A little girls letter  watch the video attached to this link.   Addiction and alcoholism will come intto a family to create to...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Three positives

Some days it's really hard to find three positives for the day.
Those are the days that you really have to dig deep.  I mean really
deep to pull out the positive.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Yes, I wanted a Little Brother, but I did not want him to live here!

Tomorrow my little brother, a big wig officer in the USAF, turns 34? 35? Whatever my age is now, minus 10 years. I thought I would dedicate today's blog to him.

For years, and years, what seemed like an eternity for a little girl, I wanted a baby brother. Personally now, I think someone placed that idea in my head when I was very small, and I just assumed it was originally my idea.

Monday, February 18, 2013

I thought with age came wisdom?

Here I go back to work. Why is it so hard to get up and get going the first day back?
That was yesterday. I didn't get to finish this blog last night because I was working until 9:30 last night.
I'm sure my family doesn't believe me, but I really don't come around anymore because I'm always working.
Now I don't know if I already said this, so if I'm repeating myself, sorry. I'm old it happens. I don't want to use this blog to gripe or complain. I truly blessed to have a good husband, great kids, and a job ice always loved. Teaching is the only job I could ever imagine having. Now if I was just allowed to actually teach, wow! Our misinformed Governor has decide that "teachers need to be held accountable".
No problem, come observe me any time you want. I'll take any class, test, or learn to juggle fire if that's what you think makes an "effective teacher".
Now this is the part that makes me mad, how dare you put the future of my job and my salary amount on my babies. What kind of adult does that to children. I would love to understand the rational behind that one. Several of my babies don't have moms. So who do you think plays mom during the day? I do, and I take on that calling with pride and love. How do you translate that to a test score? I have a student whose dad past away last week, and you expect that child to have doing well on a state test on his/her mind?
My babies are not a test score, their young individuals.
Sorry, I'm very protective of my kids. Yes, I'm talking about my students. For 16 years, every child that has walked through my classroom door, is my baby. For life. Even thought some are getting married and having babies of their own.
Didn't mean to carry on like that, but please don't view us ( teachers) as the enemy. If parents and teachers unite, then we will be able to give our kids the best possible future. And keep the government out of our schools. God was kicked out, now we need to send our governor and president out and let us do our job.
Sorry guess that was a bit harsh. Hadn't read my devotional today. Better go do that before I go to work.
Thanks for listening.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Follow Me!


Testing, testing, 1-2-3. Can you Hear me?

Ever decide to do a "project" as a couple?
Patience avoids a problem; kindness creates a blessing. Kindness is love in action. 
  *Taken from The Love Dare Reminders 

Part of one of The Love Dare 30 (you can download these apps - I highly suggest you do), is to complete a family project. You are to see the project through completion and "Encourage" each other along the way. (I’m sure many of you are laughing or scoffing at this idea right now).

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The farmer takes a wife , the farmer takes a wife......

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. - Ephesians 4:32

Remember that game when we were kids? I think the mouse took the cheese, the cat took the mouse, and so on. Everyone would stand in a circle waiting to get picked. I was never picked. Every time we would play at summer vacation bible school, I would secretly get excited thinking maybe I would get picked and I would be the wife.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I did it!

Love is Patient
Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. - James 1:19

I did it this time. My husband was far from, very far from happy with my post last night. He said, well not in these exact words but I'm taking the right to para phrase, it was offensive and made it look like we wanted to leave each other.
So for those of you that we're offended-- you just read my blog wrong. ( Bet you thought I was going to apologize or take back my words. Huh?)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I'm Done!

I think I've said that phrase about a hundred times this year. I truly believe the only reason my husband and I aren't doing so great financially, is because Our marriage is so,

Our Journey

I started this blog to share some of the awesome teacher sites I've come across over the past year. Somewhere between 10 pm and 12 am this blog changed into a documentation of the journey my husband and I are starting. Probably because he was nagging at me to get off the computer and go to bed. (It was what, 12:30 or later when I posted my first blog). Of course I had to reply with

Monday, February 11, 2013

An End of an Era? New Beginnings?

The last little bird has been kicked out, I mean left the nest.  First time since I've known this man snoring, next to me in bed, we have no kids being little blessings (pest).  Wait, who is the man snoring in my bed, keeping me up all night long?